I went to the Greensboro Parks and Rec League's football game Tuesday night, to take pictures of my friends son, Mac Renslow, who plays on the Lewis Center Pee Wee Varsity Team (the Panthers). It was their championship game, against the Guilford College Steelers. I actually saw Robert Franklin there, taking pictures for his internship with the Greensboro News and Record. Here are a couple of my favorite shots. These kids are intense.

And I gotta throw this one in from earlier in the season - the ref and his short shorts:

Shot at ISO 1600 wih my Canon 30D. The first two were taken with the 70-200mm lens, and the one of the ref was taken with the 300mm.
nice legs on that ref.
Gotta love that ref, when did you take this, isn't it like 40-50 degrees out at night?
who's wearing short shortttttts?
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